Archive for the ‘Queensland Country Life’ Category
An effective solution in times of drought!
The pressures on cattle producers during times of drought are numerous. Managing scare grazing resources and maintaining production of breeding cows particularly become issues. With stock already pulled down by poor feed, graziers need to limit additional stress wherever possible.
Graziers are looking at methods, not only of managing stock now and reducing the stress on their cows, but also reducing the impact of the drought on future years, once the drought has broken.
The use of a weaning ring allows for early weaning without having to separate the calf from the cow.
“The drought is forcing many graziers to wean their calves early to reduce stock numbers and to take pressure off their cows,” says Gillian Stephens, EasyWean.
But this practice of separating small calves from cows is stressful for both the cow and calf. “As most of the stress of weaning is the separation factor, the use of a weaning ring allows graziers to wean their calves early while keeping the cow and calf together.”
“Calves can be weaned next to their mothers, taking the pressure off cows in terms of milk production, and eliminating production loss from the stress of early separation. By weaning early, cows will have a better chance of regaining condition before joining and ensure higher conception rates next season. In addition the calves will continue to grow through the weaning period provided there is sufficient paddock feed,” Gillian said.
Most producers in the drought striken areas of Queensland are likely to be looking to remove their weaners from the farm as soon as possible. Fitting EasyWean to the calf for a week or two prior to separation will significantly reduce the stress on the cow and the calf providing an effective production advantage to beef producers.
The use of EasyWean also allows producers to manage scare grazing resources by keeping cows and calves (weaners) together in one herd, allowing greater flexibility in grazing management. If cows and calves can remain together after weaning, a four to six week weaning is suggested. Management of a single herd can then be an option allowing more paddocks available for planning remaining feed selections and optimising any plant recovery.
For those grazing the Long Paddock, where separating cows and calves is not an option, and many cows are already poorly, using a weaning ring is an ideal solution.
“As cattle graziers ourselves, we understand the pressures facing many producers, not least the financial burden being felt by many. To make our EasyWean solutions more accessible we offer a Rent-a-Ring service and can even provide limited second hand noserings to those needing a more affordable option” Gillian said.
“The use of EasyWean noserings can help in many situations. We will help you manage your drought!”
Contact EasyWean; 1300 327 993;
We take our hats off to Michael, Anne and five year old Maria Rayner of Oakland Station, St George, who have been have been on the road with their mob of 1100 head for nearly a year. When prices dropped to $250 for a cow and calf and the drought meant no grazing left on Oakland Station, they decided it was worth keeping their herd and grazing it on the Long Paddock. With the use of noserings, they have been able to hold on to their weaners until prices improve, while taking the stress off already weakened cows. A little rain and slightly
Read more on weaner sales in the article below on the Nargoon Cattle Station.
The value of the weight gain on weaners fitted with EasyWean® Noserings will more than pay for the cost of the nose ring, on first use.
Native African herders managing their communal cattle herds have long put devices on the noses of older calves to prevent them suckling.
In their quest for better pastures, Arcadia Valley graziers Matthew and Maryellen Peart have changed how they go about weaning.
The Pearts, who wean 400-500 calves in their certified EU-organic beef operation at “Bundaleer”, 90 km north of Injune, began time-controlled grazing in the late 1990s to address pasture decline. → Read more
Weaning means stress, and stress means weight loss. That didn’t suit Lancelin, WA, beef producer and tagasaste pioneer Bob Wilson, who has developed a weaning strategy that usually results in his calves—and cows—gaining weight over a period when they would normally lose it.
For most cattle producers, weaning is about bellowing cattle, stressed fences and loss of condition.
But not for New England grazier Christopher Wright who during this year’s weaning recorded an average weight gain of 0.64kg a day in his calves. → Read more
Weaning was once the most loathed event on Peter Cahill’s calendar. These days, thanks to some African-developed technology, he hardly notices it – and the calves seem to notice even less.
For the past five years, Mr Cahill has weaned his calves while they run in the same mob with their mothers, courtesy of a nosering that prevents the calves from suckling. → Read more
The negative effect of stress on people’s health is well known, but graziers too are beginning to appreciate that it has the same effect on their herds. Poor nutrition due to weaning stress contributes to health problems in young cattle.
The conventional approach of abruptly separating cows from calves at weaning is very different to the slow and gradual weaning process that would occur naturally. Yard weaned calves show a higher tendency to stress related diseases, while their mothers also lose condition. → Read more